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What is SME EnterPRIZE

SME EnterPRIZE is a flagship project designed to
promote a culture of sustainability among European SMEs.
It has the goal of inspiring SMEs to develop sustainable business models and stimulating the debate on the topic.

EU countries that joined our project.

10 countries where Generali has established some of its branches will take part in the third edition of SME EnterPRIZE: Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Portugal and Slovenia.

Through SME EnterPRIZE
Generali aims to:

  • Create a pan-European platform to give visibility to Sustainable SMEs
  • Stimulate the debate on the importance of Sustainability for SMEs promoting a Research on this topic
  • Reward the best success stories, inspiring small and medium entrepreneurs to develop sustainable business models in three areas: environment, welfare and community

Generali wants to give voice to “Sustainability Heroes”: entrepreneurs who have implemented notable sustainability initiatives in their business activities that can become an inspirational model for fellow entrepreneurs and be ambassadors of Sustainability. Therefore, we want to highlight the best practices implemented in these 2 categories:


SMEs which contributed to important goals, such as the reduction of energy consumption and circular economy


Positively impact communities and territories, including the well-being of employees and their families

The SME EnterPRIZE International Event

Generali will present the fourth edition of the White Paper developed by SDA Bocconi and the 2025 Sustainability Heroes, SMEs selected in 10 European countries that have implemented notable sustainability initiatives in their business activities. Representatives from the European institutions and the media will also participate. Stay tuned!

The Event
Brussels, Belgium


Examples of the best practices implemented by sustainable SME entrepreneurs.

Discover the sustainability stories