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Hungary: Generali Rewards its Sustainable SMEs

September 16, 2021

Among the 81 participants in the SME EnterPRIZE competition, three companies stood out for their sustainable initiatives

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the driving force of national economies and major players in marking a turning point towards ecological transition Europe-wide. In order to facilitate them in their pivotal role, Generali has launched its international business development and public awareness programme called SME EnterPRIZE across seven European countries, including Hungary, aiming to promote a culture of sustainability among SMEs and to encourage the adoption of responsible business models.

In addition to launching the local competition to discover companies with the best sustainable policies, Generali Hungary has also introduced a programme consisting of five free educational webinars, with the aim of helping SMEs face future challenges and covering topics ranging from digitization, to improving overall efficiency, to handling the risks of business management.

81 Hungarian companies participated in the SME EnterPRIZE competition and a jury – comprised of Generali representatives, together with Irén Márta, General Manager of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary and Melinda Kamasz, Editor-in-Chief of the Economic News Portal Növekedé – selected the three winners, who each won 3 million Hungarian forints.

Ladó-Rec Ltd triumphed in the Welfare category. The company, founded in 2002, manages the wholesale of non-hazardous paper, plastic, electronic and mobile waste and ensures the secure destruction of confidential documents across Hungary. Their programme takes care of the professional development of the company’s people and supports their recreational and team-building activities. The prize money will be used by the company to offer health screenings to employees, purchase sports equipment, professional travel, to set up a management training programme, and to organize a family day.

Sofa Dress Ltd. has emerged at the top in the Environment category. The jury was very impressed by their latest product introduced to the market in 2021 – designer dog beds made with recycled PET bottles and construction waste. The award will be used by Sofa Dress to improve its internal operations and implement a technological transition by upgrading its processes from manual to mechanical. This will lead to an increase in overall productivity and a subsequent price drop in their products, making them more affordable.

Virgin Oil Press Ltd. won the Community award (Responsibility for the Micro-environment). The company produces cold-pressed grape seed oil with “zero waste”, under the Grapoila brand name. Thanks to the award, the company will implement a community horticulture programme in the 22nd district of Budapest in which everyone can participate and gain theoretical and specific knowledge on permaculture and cultivation in accordance with ethical principles.

These projects, together with the many other submitted to SME EnterPRIZE, set a fine example of how the transition towards a sustainable business model can be the key for running a successful company while acting for the common good.